Sparks can be tiny and fleeting – extinguishing themselves the instant an ember finds nothing to ignite.
A spark in the mind also might flit away – or become genius for the body.
Sparks of genius may result in changing the world as did Dr. Kenneth Cooper when he coined the word Aerobics as title for his book which described the “relationship between cardiovascular fitness and health and longevity.”
Likewise the genius for our own physical well-being can start, or re-start, on any given morning… an idea that shows up in the brain saying…”Today I get moving again.”
Whether we are choosing a brisk walk, working out with weights which have been gathering dust in the corner, or attempting yoga stretches remembered from a long ago introductory class – letting that thought – that spark – ignite the tinder of our physical well-being is all we need to change our world and perhaps those around us.
Happy Earth Day. WF!