NUTS – Vitality Tip #53


National Nut Day happens this week on Thursday, October 22nd. To celebrate – let’s raise a one ounce serving of walnuts in toast to heart health benefits obtained from eating nuts on a regular basis.

 If you are limiting calories (there are 185 calories in 1 oz. walnuts, or about – 14 walnut halves,) research from several sources1 indicates that replacing olive oil (at 120 calories per tablespoon) with nuts can contribute to weight control and longevity.

Sorry, Garfield. We have to disagree with your advice on this one. WF!

Garfield cartoon created by Jim Davis







1. See writings of Dan Buettner and Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Available in Amazon section of Favorite Healthy Living Books on WildFire!‘s Wellbeing Store.





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