ALTO. STOP. HALT. Pause. Time out. Catch our breath. Smell the roses.
Why does nature dictate that we pull back on activity, particularly when it comes to intense exercise?

Make sure to scroll down for contest photo.

According to Pete McCall, CSCS,** a day of rest allows our bodies to repair tissues damaged from the mechanical stresses of exercise. Specifically, rest allows time for the fibroblasts—individual cells that repair damaged tissues such as muscle proteins—to do their job and repair any tissues that need it.
So let’s stop, rest, recover – then RETURN for all the wonderful benefits exercise gives us. WF!

“Whoa! Nelly” from Roy Rogers radio and TV Shows. Nelly was short for Nellybelle, Pat Brady’s name for his Jeep. 
** CSCS=Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
Stop Sign from Creative Safety Supply.

NO ZUMBA® Gold Class this coming Tuesday, September 29, 2020.
We had a great Fashionista Feather Contest last Friday!
“Best Overall” was Janet, lower left picture, with her Sky High Creation.
“Most Likely to Attract” was Susan, middle picture, her red topknot mohawk had blinking red lights down the crest!
We had a great time – Laughed all the way!

Fashionista Feather Headpiece Contest, Friday, September 25, 2020, Zumba® Gold Class

See you Friday, October 2nd at 9:30 a.m.


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