WALK THE LINE – Vitality Tip #36

HappySummerYesterday, June 21, 2015, the Summer Solstice (when we enjoy the most daylight) occurred at 9:39 A.M. Pacific Daylight Savings Time.

Tip #4 of my 10 Vitality Tips for a Happy Healthy Life states Feel the Sunshine.” 

During these long summer days we want sunlight so our bodies produce enough naturally occurring vitamin D.  However, let’s remember to “walk the line” and not over do it – so we won’t sun burn or risk skin cancer. As you know, before 10 a.m. and after 4:00 p.m. are good times to step outside and catch a few rays.

Go ahead and click on Johnny Cash’s song I Walk The Line. Maybe he wrote it so we could remember how to apply Vitality Tip #4. WF!



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