My mind groused and niggled about things that didn’t feel quite right one bright morning last week.
I stepped onto the patio and out of nowhere Fresh Air inserted itself into me as three cheers for gratitude.

Discontent fled. With one breath the switch had flipped and smiling at the world became okay.
I can’t think of anything grander for us today than the gift of gratitude. Yes! Yay! Hooray!
“…thanks are the highest form of thought, and…gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G.K. Chesterton, British writer.
Scroll Down for Fitness Class Information
Everyone Welcome!
Dancers who attend the most Light and Life Zumba® Gold classes during August (classes occur on Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. and Friday, 9:30 a.m.) will receive an original TRUETOMYBODY logo’d Young Starts In The Mind wildflower yellow coffee mug!
Remember to register for class through I will email the Zoom log-in code to all registrants the day of class. If you can’t make all the remaining August classes, come anyway! We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next. Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid. First class is FREE.
We’ll begin the Take Off Corona-10: Sixty-day Weight Loss Challenge and/or other specialty Personal Training Class the second Monday in September.