Health and Fitness Fans and Athletic Enthusiasts throughout our community Snap To Attention when we hear the Song.
We GIRD UP OUR LOINS – dig deep within for something requiring readiness, strength, or endurance1 – when the drumbeat and lyrics from this call-to-action anthem touches our ears.

What 1980’s cultural music stirs so many of us to action?
What Gets Us Up and Moving against all odds?
It is the Rocky III movie theme song, Eye of the Tiger, written and sung by the American rock band, Survivor.
Lyrics to Eye of the Tiger tell us how tp overcome our chief Rival – INDOLENCE – which Google defines as avoidance of activity or exertion, laziness…
From the song’s Chorus…
It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight
Risin’ up to the challenge of our Rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he’s watching us all with the eye of the tiger…
The eye of the tiger…”
These last three weeks of December let’s rise up to INDOLENCE.
Shall we dig deep and conquer Exercise Avoidance with our own Eye of the Tiger?
Can we consider workouts and preferred movement forms as Thrill of the Fight?
Our personal Eye of the Tiger wants to be the last survivor.
Are we READY for Eye of the Tiger to capture Health and Fitness and Bring On our Perfect Life? WF!
- Online Collins Dictionary definition for gird up our loins.
1. Gird Up Our Loins Definition from online Collins Dictionary.