Temptation. We don’t need dictionaries to explain that it is desire or enticement toward something wrong, forbidden or not positive for us.
On Sunday, though, in Sketchplanations, a weekly blog I receive, a welcome use for Temptation showed up in our picture below.

One might consider Temptation Bundling, now studied by scientists, somewhat similar to dangling the carrot – or chocolate cake? – ahead of a donkey so it heads the way we want it to.
Temptation Bundling also can serve as a Commitment Device, presented in a previous Sketchplanations.
Point is…Temptation, if skillfully applied, can come in handy for helping us obtain health and/or fitness goals.
Goals that mind and body may resist due to effort or taste habits which steer us away from nutritious food choices.
Only warning…Beware of lingering too long thinking about that temptation. WF!
Fitness Classes On Hold this week – Except for today’s, City of Seal Beach in-person Zumba® Gold, 1:30 p.m. class.
Meanwhile we are seeking a name for this Madagascar Tortoise that our Traveling Zumba® Gold student sent to the class.
Please send in your suggestions…