Onions: Health and Tears Together. Image from Depositphotos website.
  1. Antioxidant Properties: Sulphur compounds in onions act as antioxidants, helping to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Effects: These compounds can reduce inflammation and support the immune system, potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  3. Heart Health: Sulphur compounds may help reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and improve circulation, contributing to a healthier heart.
  1. Detoxification: Sulphur aids in the detoxification process, helping to remove toxins from the body and support liver health.
  1. Anti-cancer Potential: Some studies suggest that sulphur compounds might help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of various cancers.
Drawing by Jean Mackay.
  1. As that [sulfeninc] acid and the onion enzymes interact, they create syn-propanethial-S-oxide gas. That gas is the molecule that wafts up to your eyes, reacts with the water naturally covering your eyes, and generates sulphuric acid and other irritating substances that can induce tears. Definition from Google search.



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