One of the phrases that broadcasters most like to call out after a gymnastics competition is whether the athlete managed to Stick the Landing.
No wobbling. No hopping on one foot. Perfect placement.

Mike Dawson Stick the Landing Photo1

Sticking the Landing is such a satisfying feeling that Life gives us multiple opportunities to accomplish the feat.

We find a broader definition of the phrase on Wiktionary where one example is To complete a process in an impressive and conclusive manner.

Now we are on to something that any of us can do:

1. Insert the last piece in a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle.
2. Reach the “You are here” sign at top of a hiking trail.
3. Say The End when reading a child’s bedtime story.
4. Touch the swimming pool wall at end of our last lap.
5. Set the heavy weight down after a perfect lift.
6. High five a friend after challenging golf round.
7. Land a fish with the last piece of bait.
8. Add a quart of oil to the car without spilling a drop.

9. Win the Saturday night Texas hold ’em big money pot.
10. Say Thank You at close of our worst or best day. WF!

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