One thing about enforced learning is how good it is for cognitive development.

Since focus of these blog posts is fitness and wellbeing, discussing our mental state when new learning presents itself may be worth some attention.
If you’ll click here or on the links at top and bottom of this post, you’ll notice my new TrueToMyBody website. Professional web developers did the heavy lifting, for which I’m grateful.
My learning contribution toward the new TrueToMyBody (TTMB) site, included creating this blog post, which felt like scaling a road up Mt. Everest in order to understand new software programs called Gutenberg (named after Johannes Gutenberg who produced the first printed Bible in 1455) and Elementor. Hope it looks all right in your e-box!
Other internet platforms onto which you perhaps are steering a steep ascent include the new Facebook View page or Instagram accounts. I recently dared click on the now infamous TikTok, to which a retired friend referred me, even though he heard me muttering that only fourteen year olds post on it.
As with any hero’s journey – think Raiders of the Lost Ark – it is in overcoming obstacles that our life story moves forward. This week’s insight is – Yes, blocked computer keystrokes frustrate every forward step, like rock shale giving way beneath our feet. In the climb up tech and social media’s changing platforms, though, learning new skills really does keep us sharp, alert and keen thinking. Use it or lose it applies particularly to that which our mind resists. WF!
So you and I can climb at least one aspect of the changing tech slope together, if you are missing out on meetings, classes-of-any-type or family and friends’ gatherings due to difficulties setting up a Zoom account, email me at We’ll set up a phone session to help you create a log-in.
Scroll Down If Interested in Fitness Class Information:
AUGUST ZUMBA® GOLD CONTEST STARTS NOW! Registered Dancers who attend all Light and Life Zumba® Gold classes during August (there are eight Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. and Friday, 9:30 a.m. classes) will receive an original TRUETOMYBODY logo’d coffee mug with inscribed Young Starts In The Mind phrase that will pick you up every morning with your coffee or tea!
Remember to register for class through I will email the Zoom log-in code to all registrants the day of class. If you can’t make all eight classes, come anyway! We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next.
NEW! Now 40% OFF Starting today, August 3, 2020, we begin the five-class Essentrics® Aging Backwards Stretch, Strength and Balance series. Instead of $60 original price, the new 40% OFF rate is only $36 pre-paid = $7.20/class. Class is limited to eight participants so I can see you while guiding you through the moves. Questions? E-mail me at
For those of you who haven’t joined at all yet, you can sign up by typing into your browser. Simply scroll down to bottom of the page and click on a box that says “Create New GymGO Account.” Type FIRSTCLASSFREE into the Coupon box for the $7 Drop-in Zumba® Gold class.
We’ll begin the Take Off Corona-10: Sixty-day Weight Loss Challenge the second Monday in September.