STANDING – Vitality Tip #63

Welcome, this final week of 2015, to recent Zumba Gold® and Essentrics™ Stretch class attendees whose e-addresses finally were entered into WildFire!’s Monday Morning Vitality Tip blog e-list.

Each week you’ll receive a health-related email which can be read in under a minute. If desired, you can unsubscribe by scrolling down to bottom of the email and click on the unsubscribe from this list link.

Now back to our topic for the week – Standing vs. Sitting (click on underlined links for online articles.) Current research shows that we can reduce our risk of developing diabetes and heart disease by standing at least every 20 minutes when engaged in sedentary work. 

The Retired among us may want to pay attention to how much uninterrupted “leisure” time we’re spending at the computer, watching TV or reading in the evening.

Could the New Year’s Resolution we’re seeking be as simple as rising to our feet?  WF! 





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