We are feeling the Northern Hemisphere shortening of days.
Fewer sunshine hours, occasional downpours and a nip in the Southern California air talk to the back of our mind… “It’s OK not to exercise today.”

Image from IDEAFit article Fit Pro: Heal Thyself! by Sandy Todd Webster

If our movement mojo flops around during these few weeks approaching the Winter Solstice, it might be Nature reminding us that there is a time to every purpose under heaven.

Maybe syncing up with Earth’s recharge time will give us needed permission to restore and refresh

Obviously this does not mean suspending all movement. Our other bodily functions – particularly eating – haven’t stopped!

How about if we down-size the duration, intensity and type of exercise for this little period?

Acknowledging a Season’s influence on our physiology and psyche makes it easier to
deal with unfamiliar, unwelcome mental resistance to movement.

If going easy is called for…

We can do that. We can give a nod to Nature’s balance.

The ground can lie fallow for a while.

Soon enough we’ll hear the call and feel the urge of our healthy body’s demand to get moving. WF!


Post shoulder surgery healing is coming along! I joyfully am going to twice weekly physical therapy sessions.

This last Saturday I participated in a 5:30 a.m. start time online 8-Hour Zumba® Gold basics refresher class.
(The arm wasn’t ready for all that rhythm so after a few minutes, I put it back in the sling.)

During the prior week I filled out a City of Seal Beach Spring class schedule to teach an in-person Monday, 1:30 p.m. Zumba® Gold class, Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. StrongNation® class and regular Friday, 1:30 p.m. Essentrics® Aging Backwards Class.

Meanwhile Mark Your Calendar for a re-start of our Friday, 9:30 a.m. Zoom® Zumba Gold classes!

Online and in-person Personal Training Sessions also will start during the first week in January.


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