I pay it every year...”The price of procrastination.”
We’re talking about concentrated crunching of numbers and looking for every legitimate deduction that was not entered into my Quickbooks software when they were incurred, e.g. last July or so.

As a fitness trainer and Medicare-focused insurance solopreneur, I benefit from business expense deductions which serve as U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) incentive and encouragement for keeping the economy robust through active enterprise.

My accountant will not grant a re-set of my tax appointment, which is Friday, April 1, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.. She needs to stay on schedule!

We all get to share in the price of procrastination because in order to have my numbers ready, I am cancelling every group fitness class, except the one through the City of Seal Beach on Friday at 1:30 p.m..

An internet quote from Fred Brooks about procrastination is… “How does a project get to be a year behind schedule? One day at a time.

It’s OK. Experience teaches me that the tax preparation will be finished on time.

The one life area, and purpose for all these posts, is that we never, never procrastinate on health, fitness and emotional well-being.

We go for the walk. We eat the right foods. We sleep enough. We laugh. We love.

We let author John Maxwell’s quote guide us.
“The secret to success lies hidden in your daily routine.

See you next week!
A separate email will be sent out to Strength and Zumba class attendees regarding our schedule change.
Have a wonderful next few days!


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