POPEYE HAD IT RIGHT – Vitality Tip #6

“I yam what I yam, and that’s all what I yam.”                                    1popeyePopeye the Sailorman.

Now that Thanksgiving week is here our attention turns to traditional Yam Casserole with Marshmallows, Pineapple and Walnuts. Memory retrieves the taste of my Aunt Inés’ delicious signature holiday recipe.

For the rest of the  year, though, here is my favorite way to eat a yam: Scrub the peel, slice a few deep gashes into the raw yam, wrap it in aluminum foil, place on a pie tin, and bake for about 45 minutes in a 4250 degree oven (until it squeezes soft to the touch.)

Eat the yam as is – moist and sweet. Or spread on a little peanut butter or almond butter. I yam what I yam – the perfect healthy, potassium rich, high fiber yam.



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