PAYOFF – Vitality Tip #50

Sometimes life rewards us with a payoff.

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This last Saturday evening I ran into overheating issues with my car’s radiator. I found myself…

  • wrestling and fighting with a jammed radiator cap, 
  • walking a city block while hauling two 9.4 pound gallon
    antifreeze/coolant jugs from the auto parts store, 
  • getting down on hands and knees – push up style – looking under the car to see what was leaking, 
  • pouring coolant into running radiator and calling my mechanic-oriented son, Josh, multiple times for suggestions on a next step, 
  • pulling the still-overheating car onto a side street and walking three blocks at night to find a Starbucks bathroom,
  • calling/waiting for a tow truck, then pulling myself up and down from the truck’s high cab seat.

Where in this car problem was life’s payoff? The payoff reward came in the form of strength, endurance, resilience and daring-do reserves – created from years of exercise. These are life’s gifts when we take care of ourself. WF!

*Note to Tierrasanta Library Zumba Gold® class members. The class is cancelled until January, 2016. Information in Tierra Times newspaper about class continuing next month is incorrect.



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