OUR FRIEND THE HIPPO- Vitality Tip #15

The other day as I was shoveling forkfuls of green, leafy salad into my mouth, it occurred to me that my eating behavior was not unlike that of a hippo.                                                                                                          

Mali the hippopotamus in Bangkok, Thailand

  But then the thought occurred…eat like a hippo, look like a gazelle. Why might this be so? In addition to lower caloric value of green leafy vegetables, it may have to do with the phytochemicals in plants –  which according to research from the University of Florida, “…if you stay away from processed and fast foods and instead eat a lot of veggies, nuts and fruits, you will actively be helping to prevent or reverse harmful metabolic processes in your body. The result? Better health and a slimmer body.” http://www.naturalnews.com/027616_degenerative_disease_phytochemicals.html#ixzz3PtPE6A1t

Next time we visit our world famous San Diego Zoo, let’s give a thumbs up and thank you wink to our fruit and vegetable loving pachyderm friends. WF!





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