Today’s post will be fast. I’m on the chemistry (not my background!) research hunt for sirtuins, myokines and other molecular items which regulate obesity and contribute to longevity.

Protein building blocks of yeast cells. Wikipedia image of sirtuin 2 from yeast. The graphic captured my imagination.

A partial definition of sirtuins from the Biogerontology article, Sirtuins, a promising target in slowing down the ageing process.

“….it was documented that proper lifestyle including physical activity and diet can influence healthspan via increasing the level of sirtuins. The search for an activator of sirtuins is one of the most extensive and robust topic of research…”

More sirtuin definition From Wikipedia…From in vitro studies, sirtuins are implicated in influencing cellular processes like agingtranscriptionapoptosisinflammation[8] and stress resistance, as well as energy efficiency and alertness during low-calorie situations.[9] As of 2018, there was no clinical evidence that sirtuins affect human aging.[10]

So far bottom line to this chemistry research is the importance of exercise and diet (nutrition – including calorie modulation) as primary contributors to healthy longevity.

Purpose of this whole column is to inform and motivate us to practice what we preach about happy, healthy living!

We just need to translate the chemistry into lay person language.

Take good care of yourselves. More next week….

Fitness Class Information:

  • Zumba Gold® classes continue on Zoom every Friday at 9:30 a.m..
  • Live Zumba Gold® classes begin on September 12, 2022.
  • Essentrics® Aging Backwards classes begin Fall Season on Friday, September 9, 2022.


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