In regards to vehicles, boats or rodeo barrel competition “Turn on a dime” means the ability to execute really tight turns on a small circle. The phrase also can mean radical change of focus or switching to something new in an instant – which occasionally can be a useful life skill.

Since this is a fitness blog, we’ll apply “Turn on a dime” to Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ) exercise moves.
According to my National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Fitness Trainer textbook, SAQ can “aid nonathletic populations in weight loss, coordination, movement proficiency and injury prevention when applied safely and effectively…
SAQ can be fun and invigorating. A few SAQ examples: (1) From a chair with nearby sturdy support, repetitively fast rise up to full standing, then sit back down at a controlled pace – no plopping!
(2) Making sure to HOLD ONTO THE SIDE RAIL, as quickly as is advisable for your fitness level, speedy step up a small-to-medium flight of stairs. Practice going down light-footed – keep holding on to the rail!
(3) Lastly, we can dance. Turn up the rock ‘n roll, lively waltz, country-western or Latin cha cha and 1-2-3 rhythm yourself around the living room.
No “on-a-dime” rodeo or drastic life change required for us becoming a little more nimble. WF!

Just email your answer to cashfit8@gmail.com.

Fitness Class Information Below – Everyone Welcome!

Zumba® Gold online classes keep us happy and fit. We dance on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and Fridays at 9:30 a.m.. Newcomers always welcome! Final class of the year is Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
Remember there are no location boundaries for online classes – you and your friends can live anywhere!
Register for classes through go.gymgo.com/truetomybody. We actually hold each class on Zoom. I email the Zoom log-in code to all Gymgo members on class day.  We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next. Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid. First class is FREE. E-mail me at cashfit8@gmail.com with questions!


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