We are in the last few days of August. The USA’s seasonal activity change happens just past this September 2nd Labor Day.

The final one third of our calendar year (September, October, November, December) ushers in an American cultural habit of “getting to it.”
Many of us will feel renewed vigor and busyness. We enter a NEW LIFE phase for getting things done, or starting new projects, before cold weather sets in.
Let’s give ourselves a few days this final week in August to cogitate, to think deeply, about what changes, if any, we want to initiate in our health and fitness practices.
How do we improve our Vibrant Longevity?
Do we need to tweak our diet? What can we do to add more green, leafy vegetables?
How about increasing physical movement during the day? Remember the NEAT acronym…
NEAT is Non-exercise activity thermogenesis – the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks and fidgeting. (Direct Google quote from National Institutes of Health.)
One other thing to help our well-being during the next three months – until the November 5th USA Election Day.
Let’s turn down the barrage of political advertisements and be grateful.
Gratitude brings Joy to our Well-Being.
Remember that 104 years ago today, August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was Certified.
Women finally had the right to vote in Federal Elections.
Voting privilege is worth a Hallelujah and Amen – definitely good for Health. WF!
Zoom Zumba® Gold class most Fridays at 9:30 a.m..
Essentrics® Aging Backwards Classes begin in Seal Beach and Huntington Beach, CA, during September, 2024.
Zoom Private Personal Training Available Now!
Rate $55 for half hour class.
Strong, Lean and Limber can be yours.