LOOKING BACK – Vitality Tip #11

Since week 52 happens only once a year, let’s take a few minutes to look back through 2014 with grateful thoughts – even for those events which felt disastrous at the time. 

Life is on our side. The future holds many blessings, if we give it a chance. In fact the lead magazine story, Feeling Fine in Your Body: The Science of Keeping It Healthy, published by Time, Inc., states that More and more research shows that physical health is intimately tied to mental well-being and vice versa.” time Cover

You can find Your Body: The Science of Keeping It Healthy near the check out counter at most grocery stores (okay, mainly Sprouts and Whole Foods.)  

In the event you want a copy of Your Body after it has left the grocery stores, I’ll include a link to it within the next few days on my TrueToMyBody.com website, http://truetomybody.com/wellbeing-store/

With the Feeling Fine article claiming that body movement improves our mood, I look forward to all of us having big smiles on our faces when we resume Zumba Gold® dance fitness and other favorite exercise classes in 2015.

Happy, Healthy New Year to each of you. WF!


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