LILACS – Vitality Tip #26

As San Diego County ushers in Springtime’s beauty days, we might start looking for lilacs in super markets and flower shops. Those who live at 3000 ft. elevation or higher, in towns such as Descanso or Julian, may have lilacs blooming in their yards.

Picture from

Perhaps delicate lilac fragrances could inspire us to become poets.      

Or let’s turn to reading poetry in the park. How about if we start with Edna St. Vincent Millay – 

Thou art not lovelier than lilacs,–no,
Nor honeysuckle; thou art not more fair
Than small white single poppies,–I can bear
Thy beauty;                                                                             

Creatively refreshing brain cells is good for health. WF!



1 thought on “LILACS – Vitality Tip #26”

  1. Thank you again for this beautiful message..
    AND most of all the Lilacs always one of my favorite flowers.

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