LATE AT NIGHT – Vitality Tip #45

We’ve heard that effective weight management includes eating an early dinner. A recent article on what and when to eat referenced a study by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Murcia which found that dieters who ate breakfast and a main meal before 3 p.m. lost more weight than people who ate late into the night.*

Decent advice; but what does someone, who decides to adopt the early dinner way of life, do when a munchie attack grabs hold between 8:00 and 11:00 p.m. leaving her/him with white-knuckled grip on the refrigerator door?

Cartoon from

It’s best to give injust a little. Have half an apple with one oz. skim milk string cheese, or a couple dried apricots and walnuts, or a small bowl (1/4 cup) of unsweetened whole grain cereal with berries, or 1/4 sprouted grain Food for Life english muffin with one tsp. almond or peanut butter. Then rush to bed, pull up the covers and go to sleep. You’ll love the scale in the morning. WF!

* I personally do best when eating a full-plate leafy green veggie meal – about 350 calories – around 6 p.m. in the evening.



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