IMPROVEMENT – Vitality Tip #47

By googling around the internet…we discover that September has been designated Self-Improvement Month. Even though our canine friend below is napping and not thrilled with self-improvement…most of us can find something related to health upon which we may want to act.

Image from










In fact, Sunny B. at Saturday morning’s College Rolando Library Zumba Gold® Class suggested that creative pursuits were good for health. Right then an idea took hold! 

Let’s consider September an opportunity to improve our creativity. Then we’ll “Show & Tell” our creative project at the 9:45 a.m., Saturday, October 3, 2015, College Rolando Z-Gold® class. You can bring a poem, painting, chef’s creation, photography, embroidery, technical skill…anything that reflects your inner artist. If you will be out of town that day…take a picture of your project and email it to me for sharing with the class.

A big congratulations to our August Summer Sizzle Shake Up Shake Down contest top four finishers. First place winner, Judy, attended at least 22 classes during August. Amazing!

L to R – Lana, 3rd, Nancy, 2nd, Judy, 1st, Maria, 4th.










Many thanks to Friday’s Mission Valley Library Zumba Gold® class for acknowledging San Diego Ovarian Cancer Alliance First Friday in September day by donating $$ and wearing teal. WF!

Thank you Brenda Kay for the photos.

1 thought on “IMPROVEMENT – Vitality Tip #47”

  1. Good Morning WF, I am going to try hard to make this event. I do sculpture and write poetry…I have been very lax about doing very many things lately and have fallen into a slump. I did
    Google the address: 6600 Montezuma, correct?
    I came home from the lib. last Thurs and found my bathroom and part of the dining area flooded, one fortunate thing is I have ceramic tile floor in those areas so no wet carpet to deal with, but there may be walls and ceiling to be removed due to mold..

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