IMPOSSIBLE TO EAT – Vitality Tip #5

Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet,
But the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.

We have to disagree with the 1960’s popular folk song. A warm cup of lemon water in the morning provides a crisp, alkalizing start to the day. I squeeze half a lemon or lime, including pulp, into an 8 oz. cup of water and drink up first thing every morning.* In the afternoon…the other lemon half is squeezed over my green vegetable stir-fry – heightening the flavors.

Image from 

 The “impossible lemon” just provided 44 mg of the FDA recommended 60 mg of Vitamin C per day. Not bad for our sour reputation friend. WF!    





 *For some people acid from lemons may damage tooth enamel.                                                                                    






2 thoughts on “IMPOSSIBLE TO EAT – Vitality Tip #5”

  1. Hi Eunice, I enjoy your class every week! Regarding the Lemon with water first thing in the morning, my doctor has recommended that I have it every day to prevent my kidney stones from increasing their size.

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