As today’s graphic shows, this coming Saturday, November 23, 2024, is National Espresso Day1.
Regarding coffee and its caffeine benefits… I agree with composer Johann Sebastian Bach, who is credited with saying… “Without my morning coffee, I’m just like a dried-up piece of roast goat.”
During my 45-year health journey, there were several periods when I drank no caffeinated beverages – not wanting externally sourced stimulation.
Now I give myself permission to drink approximately 12 ounces of coffee every morning with a teaspoon of GoodStuff™ Focus powder and three ounces of unsweetened almond milk.
Then during the day – finishing up by 3:00 p.m. so as not to interfere with sleep – I spread out drinking one of the fewest chemical additive, healthiest milder energy drinks found in grocery stores.
My total daily consumption…a little under 400 mg caffeine per day…generally is considered not over-excessive.
However, I caution every reader, NOT TO CONSUME more caffeine than is suitable for your physiology and health status.
About ten years ago studies began surfacing about possible – not yet proven – neuroprotective benefit of caffeine against dementia/Alzheimer’s and other brain impairment diseases.
As a result, in addition to practicing ackowledged healthy living behaviors, I allow caffeine into my daily life.
Sixteen years ago my Mother passed away with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type.
Eleven days ago my sister died after five years custodial-care Alzheimer’s disease. Symptoms began to manifest another four years before the condition became acute.
Okay…Bring on the coffee and exercise.
Every day may I be given grace to live and share the full energy, cognitively bright, phase of life which was denied to them. WF!
- Click on National Espresso Day link for Espresso description.
Here is our TrueToMyBody FITNESS SCHEDULE...
Zoom Zumba® Gold class most Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time.
In person Essentrics® Aging Backwards Classes will re-start during January, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. in Seal Beach on Fridays and Huntington Beach, CA, on Tuesdays.
Zoom Private Personal Training Available Now!
Rate $55 for half hour class. Strong, Lean and Limber can be yours.