Hormesis – Vitality Tip #40

When reading Bill Gifford’s excellent book Spring Chicken – Stay Younger (Or Die Trying,) I came across the the ancient Greek term “hormesis.” Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s phrase That which does not kill us makes us stronger describes hormesis.

Wait – we’ve worked long and hard to be comfortable. It turns out, though, that by allowing ourselves to become a little uncomfortable we can reap “beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses.” 1              1Click on above phrase to read Todd Becker’s blog Getting Stronger.

Hormesis translation for a longer, more resilient life: intermittently increase pace to brief intense levels while exercising, eat the bitter vegetable, finish off the hot shower with a blast of cold water. 

Life immediately becomes acute. Anyone up for the Cold Water Challenge?2 WF!                                                                                                2Not advised for persons with arrhythmia or a pace maker.

Image from debbietheferret.wordpress,com
















4 thoughts on “Hormesis – Vitality Tip #40”

    1. Thanks, Jo. I turned on the cold after my last hot shower. Not too bad – particularly since it is July – and the cold water in pipes is not exactly frigid. WF!

  1. Thanks, I’ll try it. I’ve missed Zumba and your BIG smile! I am working full-time now but have joined Curves and try to go m-f. It’s a challenge but I’m enjoying it.

    God bless you!

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