During a golf fitness webinar I attended last Thursday, a one sentence reference to Dr. Andy Galpin, (click on name) kinesiology professor at Cal State Fullerton, sent me scrolling through his website and other deep dive fitness sites until eureka* – the picture for today’s post appeared.

Frontiers in Physiology: “Resistance Exercise Training as a Primary Countermeasure to
Age-Related Chronic Disease, Published online June 6, 2019.

Dazzling my eyes were eye candy health benefits of Strength Training, one of life’s Holy Grails for preventing chronic disease.
Gym not required for workout wellbeing. A person can get it done in two days a week at home with traditional weights, resistance bands or even body weight exercises. If new to strength training, e-mail me or contact your nearest certified personal trainer for how-to’s and safety guidelines.

Dumbbells anyone? WF!

*eureka = I have found it.

Scroll Down for Fitness Class Information

Everyone Welcome!


We had a Race-to-the-Tape until Friday’s final class. Beth, Elyse, Lana H. and Lana W. kept their front-runner status with perfect 8-session class attendance. Anne and Janet cha-cha’d into second place with seven classes. Nere finished in Stellar third place with five sessions.
Every winner’s TRUETOMYBODY Young Starts In The Mind golden coffee mug will go out in today’s mail.

September’s Zumba® Gold Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. and Friday, 9:30 a.m. classes will kick off tomorrow September 1, 2020. Newcomers welcome!
Remember any of you can register for classes through go.gymgo.com/truetomybody. I email the Zoom log-in code to all Gymgo members on class day.  We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next. Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid.
First class is FREE.

The Take Off Corona-10: Sixty-day Group Weight Loss Challenge with specialty Personal Training will start at 4:00 p.m. the second Monday in September. Each 55-minute class will include strength training, cardio and nutrition tips discussion with emphasis on each person’s healthy weight objectives. Sample exercises will be given for days we are not in class.


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