For those of us who forgot to dance around the Maypole this month, today we give a nod to dance, to song and to receiving their physical and mental health benefits.

Sometimes songs transcend their original meaning and inspire a global community as Kalush Orchestra’s Stefania rap song did in last week’s Eurovision Song Contest, attracting over 200 million viewers. See photo and link.

Click on link. Stefania – A Love Song from the Heart.

Returning to Song, Music and Dance in our USA lives, here are a few Healthline Dance Benefits which motivate us to find a song and dance a little bit every day.

  • weight loss or maintenance.
  • increased heart health.
  • stronger muscles.
  • improved endurance.
  • increased bone strength.
  • improved self-esteem.
  • better balance and coordination.
  • improved mood and energy.

Let’s take one extra step and let our dance overflow from the heart. WF!

When you do things, with love, it is a song of your heart.

Dr. Debasish Mridha

Email Me for information on our Latest Dance, Fitness and Personal Training Schedule: wildfire1@truetomybody.com.


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