FUN FUN FUN – Vitality Tip #72

From cliparts101

We finish February Heart Health month with the Old Testament verse A merry heart does good like a medicine, Proverbs 17:22. …According to Happiness and Your Heart online article a Columbia University study suggests that people who are happier have heart-protective outcomes

 Let’s now make our way from scripture and science to the Beach Boys classic (click on link-ignore commercial) We’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun… – especially as it relates to what happens after today’s final Pacific Beach Library Zumba Gold® class.

The class is staying beachside (meaning west of Interstate 5.) Thanks to Christ Lutheran Church on Cass Street, we’ll be able to continue Zumba Gold® classes in the church gymnasium for a very reasonable fee. Looking forward to seeing you there. WF!               

Z-Gold Jpeg Church Flier


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