
Zumba® Gold Dance Fitness

WildFire!’s Zoom Zumba® Gold dance fitness classes are designed for beginners, Boomers, active Seniors and anyone wanting a modified version of the popular Zumba® latin rhythms fitness format.  Zumba® Gold classes are based on easy-to-follow choreography that focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance. Dance experience is not required. Steps are broken-down and shown for those who are new to class.

Main Health Benefits
The party-fitness fun atmosphere of Zumba® Gold lifts our spirits while contributing to overall cardio endurance in a manner appropriate for any fitness level.
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Online Zumba Gold® Zoom classes are held on Fridays at 9:30 a.m..
Best rate is $7/class pre-paid at 8-pack fee of $56.
Come join us for Fun, Fitness and New Friends!








This dynamic workout will activate all your muscles, free your joints, and increase mobility. Dynamic and easy to follow—Essentrics® full body technique carefully works through your muscle chains in order to liberate, empower and relieve them from tension. The focus of Aging Backwards 45-minute class is to relax during movement so as not to flare-up existing conditions such as arthritis, frozen shoulder, back pain or sciatica. 

Essentrics draws on the flowing movements of tai chi which create health and balance, the strengthening theories behind ballet which create long, lean, flexible muscles and the healing principles of physiotherapy which create a pain-free body.4Create a youthful feeling body, Help relieve pain, Unlock tight muscles and joints, Increase flexibility and mobility, Strengthen the spine and core, Improve posture, Provide tone, lean, defined muscles, Perfect for injury recovery and prevention, pain relief, stress release, and promoting healing.

Essentrics® Aging Backwards classes are sponsored by the City of Seal Beach Recreation Department at the Seal Beach Senior Center, 707 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740, and are held seasonally throughout the year at 1:30 p.m. on Fridays.

You may register in person by attending class and making a check out to the City of Seal Beach or sign-up online through the City of Seal Beach website

Depending on when you register, Seal Beach classes are pro-rated at the rate of $14/class. The City of Seal Beach charges a $10 registration fee for each class series.  

Essentrics® Aging Backwards classes also are held seasonally at the Huntington Beach, California,  Senior Center in Central Park at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays.

History of Essentrics®: Over  twenty  years ago,  former professional ballerina  Miranda  Esmonde-White created the  Essentrics®  technique—a dynamic  stretch workout  for all fitness levels  designed  to engage  all  650 muscles and majority of our 360 joints.

In the late 1990s Esmonde-White  developed her workout   into  the  highly acclaimed  20-year running  fitness television  show, Classical  Stretch®, for the PBS  network.

Fueled by a passion to educate viewers about the science of aging and movement, Miranda ventured  into writing scientific and lifestyle books: New  York  Times  bestseller, Aging Backwards, the Nautilus award-winner, Forever Painless and most recently, The Miracle of Flexibility: A Head-to-Toe Program to Increase Strength, Improve Mobility, and Become Pain Free — books which have yielded award-winning documentaries for PBS of the same name.

Elite One-to-One Personal Training

Perhaps over the years you have had to assist frail elderly parents. Or you’ve seen those awful “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up” commercials.  These unwanted instances stir determination in us to develop and maintain what WildFire! calls Vibrant Longevity, as seen through strength, vigor, posture, balance and a joyful attitude.
In Person and/or Online Personal Training provides you with motivation, accountability, education and results that only come from working with a skilled, certified personal trainer who specializes in working with Boomer/Senior clients.
Having a Personal Trainer committed to your well-being and longevity keeps you on track for reaching life changing health and fitness goals.
Personal training priorities change once we cross into our fifties, sixties and beyond. It’s no longer exclusively about six-pack abs or having perfect proportions – although these are fun to attain. 

Our priorities now include pain-free movement, physical strength, excellent posture, and respiratory and heart health freedom while walking up a flight of stairs.
We develop and sustain Vibrant Longevity through three general modes of exercise. These include: 1. Mobility Training, which reduces muscle tension and improves joint range of motion – allowing us to improve flexibility, coordination and balance; 2. Core Strength Training, which helps elevate resting metabolism, enhances overall posture and performance and defers onset of chronic disease; and 3. Metabolic Conditioning, which increases energy expenditure for weight loss and improves efficiency at which the lungs utilize oxygen and the heart pumps blood throughout the body – resulting in cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular health.*
Eunis WildFire!’ Christensen’s age-specific personal training first includes a no-cost introductory get-to-know each other half hour meeting, which includes answering questions and providing you with a Health History and Fitness Goals Form, waiver description and pricing sheet to take home and review at your leisure.
Should you decide to embark on your personal training journey with WildFire!, our first training session will include a movement screening assessment. That day we will begin safe and energizing exercises specific to your health and fitness priorities within limits that your body will allow. 

For additional information on Vibrant Longevity specific personal training please call 562-879-1954.

Definition of Mobility Training, Core Strength Training, and Metabolic Conditioning paraphrased from Smarter Workouts, by Pete McCall, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS.) Owner of PMc Fitness Solutions, Pete McCall has obtained other nationally recognized fitness certifications, including a master’s degree in exercise science and health promotion from the California University of Pennsylvania.

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