

Lazy Southern California August days lead to flip flop thong sandals showing up on people’s feet nearly everywhere we look. The message is clear – flip flop wearers either are heading to the beach or prioritizing casual, comfortable, laid back living. “You don’t own flip flops anymore.” A stark, cold thought accused me.My denial flashed

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Two weeks ago PBS TV featured a six-episode series called The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. The series was personal to me because every third Summer vacation my father made sure our family visited as many national parks as time and distance would allow.  Watching America’s Best Idea re-invigorated gratitude in me for the foresight of those who labored to



One long-term prevention for helping us minimize impact of COVID-19 is to stay clear of metabolic syndrome1.  A syndrome is a group of symptoms which consistently appear together.   Metabolic syndrome generally includes increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. We have the power to fight back against these

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