While completing my daily HeadSpace* meditation on Sunday morning, appreciation for breath as antidote for a whirling, swirling mind showed up. We (I) can lose perspective and forget that the breath came first, the breath goes last and all of life’s ups and downs are growth opportunities in-between.

How kind of Mr. Miyagi and the (click on video) Karate Kid for showing us the way out of occasional frustration, angst or other entangling emotions. Through our breath we enter into a focus that says….”Today – Life deserves my biggest hug.” WF!

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I highly recommend the Headspace App mentioned above. No compensation is received for this referral. WF!

Fitness Classes Listed Below. Everyone Welcome!

FREE weekly half hour “Happy Monday Get Strong” strength class continues at 4:00 p.m. today!

In these introductory sessions you’ll learn home-based weight training exercises designed to prevent sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss.)
Your strength and balance will improve with light dumbbell exercises.

Registration is through If you would like more information on how to register for these no-obligation Zoom sessions, email me at

Zumba Gold®online classes keep us happy and fit.
We dance on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and Fridays at 9:30 a.m..
Newcomers always welcome!

Remember to wear St. Patrick’s Day fun colors or outfit for tomorrow’s, Tuesday, March 16, class!

Join us for fun, easy-to-follow Latin rhythms. No dance experience needed!
Online classes have no location boundaries – you and your friends can live anywhere!
Register for classes through I email the Zoom log-in code to all Gymgo members on class day.  We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next.

Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid. First class is FREE.
E-mail me at with questions!


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