One of my favorite self-improvement business books, There’s No Plan B For Your A Game by Bo Eason, advocates going all in for your goals.
However, I find that Backup Plans and devices often serve me well
on aspiration’s journey.

Contingency Planning

Examples of Backup Plans/devices include having my mobile phone and cable tv/landline-phone/internet subscriptions with two different companies, Spectrum and AT&T.
If one of these carriers or tech devices goes down, I still have communication capabilities with the competitor entity.

Or recently I was in a hurry to print out a required document and my new home office printer wouldn’t print.
Presto, out came the small portable printer previously purchased for printing documents in an insurance client’s home.

When starting this post a few days ago, I was going to list how we can set-up fitness Backup Plans.

However, on Friday, February 25, 2022, I learned that real Backup Plans reside in human relations and how caring people “step-up” for each other when another might be facing a dilemma.

Specifically, right here right now I am lauding the ladies of my twice weekly Zumba Gold® class who helped me find a financial and time viable way – a Backup Plan – to continue our fun Zumba® dance fitness class on Fridays at 9:30 a.m. – rather than completely cancel Tuesday and Friday sessions.

Thank you to Anne G., Lana Y., Janet K., Mary G., Lana H., Susan G., Nere L. and Beth P. for being Backup Heroes to save the class.

Backup Plans are indispensable for the technology in our lives. Alway first and last, though, are the human beings who serve as the real Backup for anything we encounter.

On the global front we can serve as the world’s Backup Plan for embattled Ukraine. Here is a link to established non-profit organizations to which you can contribute if it touches your heart to do so. WF!

Ukrainian Flag

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