On Federal Holidays we abbreviate our health and fitness post in order to acknowledge civic importance of days which have been set aside for national recognition of an event or person(s).

Presidents’ Day – A Holiday Worth Considering.

Since any person born in the United States of America or its territories may aspire to becoming President of the United States, let’s consider what character traits each of us might possess that would make us memorable Presidents or national leaders.

Here are a few attributes: Decisive, Willing, Charismatic, Open, Empathetic, Honorable, Dedicated, Industrious, Visionary, Caring, Self-assured, Militaristic, Elegant…

On this Presidents’ Day in particular we are given a living example of not only what the Presidency dictates but what living an exemplary leadership life requires.

We see it in the recent public statement that 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carter had begun to receive hospice care at home.

Although there was economic and political crisis during his term, President Carter also is known for brokering the long-lasting 1978 Camp David Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel.

Reflecting over President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn Carter’s, long history in and out of the public eye – the nation once again is reminded that humble self-sacrifice, GIVING OF ONESELF, to causes and simple acts that lift humanity is one of the most important leadership traits a person can possess.

We all can do a little more of that kind of giving. WF!


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