Let’s narrow our Christmas list down to what may help us most during the coming New Year:

According to internet research, here are three top reasons why maintaining muscle strength is crucial:
1. Reduced Risk of Falls and Injuries:
a. Stronger muscles improve balance, coordination, and stability.
b. Body strength decreases the risk of falls, which can lead to serious injuries like hip fractures.
2. Improved Quality of Life:
Muscles allow for greater independence in daily activities.
a. Simple tasks like getting out of a chair, carrying groceries, and climbing stairs become easier.
b. We maintain self-sufficiency and are able to live active and fulfilling lives.
3. Better Overall Health:
a. Strength training helps maintain bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
b. Muscles improve insulin sensitivity, which can aid in diabetes management.
c. Endurance exercise muscles help regulate blood pressure and can contribute to better cardiovascular health.
Merry Muscle Christmas to Every One.
May the gifts you give and receive this week be warm, loving and full of strength for body, mind and spirit. WF!