About WildFire!

Reach Your Fitness Goals at Any Age with a Certified Personal Trainer & Inspiring Group Fitness Instructor
I was not an athletic child. Until my teens most people called me “chubby.”
Throughout adulthood managing my weight always was an issue. At age 29, though, I was introduced to a calisthenics and aerobic walking/running program. That group fitness class shaped the rest of my life. Love of exercise became the greatest gift ever given to me.
As health and fitness increased in importance during the early years, I earned a Fitness Instructor Certificate from the University of California Extension School in 1993, at the same time I was completing my Finance MBA from San Diego State University.*
Exercise commitment continued through life’s ups and downs, until – as with many women who enter their 50’s and 60’s – work-stress and family caregiving duties interfered with healthy lifestyle habits. I gained 60 pounds over a seven year period and re-experienced my younger days’ frustration of trying to lose and keep off fat with no results.
Thankfully, at the end of those weight gaining years, Zumba Fitness® entered my life and brought a return to the love of movement. Now I am happy to say that with exercise and careful attention to diet, I have lost excess pounds and maintain a lean, healthy weight.
With renewed exercise enthusiasm from multiple Zumba® trainings, I made an educational commitment to becoming very good at leading myself and others, via a joyful, safe and welcoming environment, into the art and science of Vibrant Longevity.**
Some of my fitness certifications from the last decade include:
- 2010 - Group Instructor Certification: NETA - National Exercise Trainers Association.
- 2011 - Health Coach-Lifestyle and Weight Management: ACE - American Council on Exercise.
WildFire! Childhood to Now
- 2015 - Functional Aging Institute Certificate (FAI)
- 2016 - Multiple TRX® Suspension Training Advanced Group Trainer Certification
- 2017 - Corrective Exercise Specialist Certificate: NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine.
- 2018 - Certified Personal Trainer: NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine.
- 2019 - Golf Fitness Instructor: Titleist Performance Institute Levels 2 and 3
Going forward into the 2020’s, my personal Vibrant Longevity educational curricula has included
- Functional Movement Systems Level 1 and Level 2, an assessment screening tool used to identify physical movement limitations or asymmetries. Level 2 focuses on exercises for movement improvement.
- An excellent IDEAFit.com course by Fabio Comana, MA, MS, entitled Movement for Health, Functionality and Longevity and
- A variety of continuing education credit courses, including the not-yet-completed Ageless Intensity, by Pete McCall, MS, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach (CSCS.)
If YOU are interested in private or semi-private, longevity-focused online Personal Training, please contact me.
Life and Light,
Eunis WildFire! Christensen
* My other career is in the sale of Medicare, long-term care and final expense insurance plans. See cashfit.com.