Happy Relaxation Day this August 15th. Image from Depositphotos website.
  • Yoga: Incorporates deep breathing, meditation, and gentle stretching.
  • Tai Chi: Focuses on slow, fluid movements with mental awareness.
  • Pilates: Emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and posture, often with a calming atmosphere.
  • Hiking: Immerse yourself in nature while getting exercise.
  • Swimming: The water’s resistance provides a workout, while the buoyancy is soothing.
  • Cycling: Enjoy the outdoors at a leisurely pace.
  • Stretching: Improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.
  • Easy Foam Rolling: Release muscle tension and improve circulation.
  • Breathing Exercises: Incorporate deep breathing into your workout routine.
Closing Stance When Facing East. Image from istockphoto website.


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