TEN TIPS – 2023

Regular readers among us won’t have to check their calendars to know this is the beginning of January.
How so?

During the first week of every year we re-set health and fitness priorities by posting TEN TIPS for a HAPPY HEALTHY LIFE, shown below.

Created by WildFire! years ago for Healthy Living workshops. Images from Google.

Unexpected emotional and physical ups-and-downs occur every year.

A review of the TEN TIPS restores balance and perspective.

These suggestions guide me back to a familiar, well-defined path for manifesting vibrant longevity.

Please accept this annual TEN TIPS review as your
life journey
check list.

Let us travel together.

Happy New Year. WF!



1. Zumba Gold® online Zoom classes keeps us happy and fit no matter the outside weather.
Classes will re-start on Friday, January 13th at 9:30 a.m.

Join us for fun, easy-to-follow Latin rhythms. No dance experience needed!
Online classes have no location boundaries – you and your friends can live anywhere!
We laugh, dance and create heart-fulfilling, supportive community.
(Next week I’ll send out information on our new enrollment process.)

Best Zumba® Gold rate is $7.00/per class for 8-class series = $56 prepaid.
E-mail me at wildfire1@truetomybody.com with questions!

2. Ask me about One-to-One PERSONAL TRAINING on Zoom. During these Private sessions you’ll receive personal encouragement, instruction, guidance and feedback designed to help you create the right body for you.

Online Personal Training Rates start as low as $45/half hour pre-paid ($360) for an eight-session
training pack.

3. For Seal Beach area residents…Registration is now open for the City of Seal Beach sponsored Winter Season Essentrics® Aging Backwards class held at 1:30 p.m. every Friday at the Seal Beach Senior Center, 707 Electric Ave, Seal Beach, CA.
The 8-week Series starts on January 6, 2023 and runs through February 24, 2023. Enrollment fee of $114 includes a $10 City registration fee.
Email wildfire1@truetomybody.com for information.


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