Last week a building sold.
I had been involved with that building and its family, at times my family, for over 50 years.

One thing I have learned through life’s transitions is that physical movement, of almost any kind, brings balm (similar to balm in Gilead) to almost any person’s brain, mind and heart.

A psychological lubrication happens when we exercise, comparable to how rotating the arm in its shoulder socket helps us maintain joint range of motion.

If for some reason you can’t exercise, do some measured deep breathing.

Breath through your nostrils – all the way down to your belly button, not just top of the lungs. Then gently let the air out through slightly open lips. Pull in your abdomen a little to exhale the last bit of air.

Do it again. Then deep breathe again.

A moment will come when you’ll know it’s time to move on.

The body saves itself for the future when we let it. WF!


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