Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous poem of “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…” easily also could say “How thankful am I for Life and Love and You.

As Thanksgiving well-wishing abounds this week, we are going to turn a few minutes attention to where gratitude may struggle.

A few days ago while watching the PBS TV News Hour, I learned that Michael Gerson, political analyst and speechwriter for former President George W. Bush had passed away at age 58 from cancer complications.

The link between this column’s focus on fitness and health, Thanksgiving and Mr. Gerson is that in the middle of his ability to write soaring, inspirational, comforting words, he shrugged with clinical depression much of his adult life.

Depression can steal gratitude away in a second.

Mr. Gerson took his struggle public in a guest sermon at Washington’s National Cathedral which provided light and hope for those whom thankfulness could not find its way.

Here are a few of MIchael Gerson’s words from that day… Fate may do what it wants. But this much is settled. In our right minds, we know that love is at the heart of all things.

Let’s share love and gratitude far and wide this week, being especially tender and grateful with ourselves and those who, maybe for a few moments, lose sight of Life’s light and love and joy. WF!


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