The word “Hormesis” first came to my attention while reading the book Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (Or Die Trying) by Bill Gifford.

Fast forward a few years and an in-depth discussion of Hormesis with similar concept of Eustress showed up in the book Deep Fitness: The Mindful, Science-Based Strength-Training Method to Transform Your Well-Being in Just 30 Minutes a Week by Philip Shepherd and Andrei Yakovenko.

For Longevity: Brief Bouts of Eustress

The paraphrased definition of Hormesis found in Deep Fitness is a “positive, intense shock to the body which can be provided through quick episodes of extreme heat or cold, fasting or high-intensity exertion.”

The online Mirriam-Websiter definition of Eustress is a “positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.”

For our Read-This-Monday-Morning-Post-In-Less-Than-A-Minute purpose...a Journal of Clinical Nutrition article title captures today’s topic…Why intensity is not a bad word: Optimizing health status at any age.

The Clinical Nutrition article’s introductory abstract gives it to us straight…”Despite claims to the contrary, high-intensity exercise is important for the prevention of obesity and sarcopenia with advancing age.”

Ah Ha! How to get rid of too much fat and not enough muscle as we get older!

Quick and intense can make us Strong and Lean – two of the three pillars of our Strong, Lean and Limber mantra!

Now the third title word from today’s post, “Essential” makes sense in regards to “Hormesis” and “Eustress.”

The human body’s survival tendency is to seek comfort, to maintain itself in a steady, stable biological condition called homeostasis. Or a worse, step down homeostasis phase called couch potato.

Yet our homeostasis physiological comfort state improves when we “shock it” (hormesis) with brief, intense episodes of discomfort. Quick cold showers are one method – (disclaimer – I can only handle a few cold water seconds at end of my very comforting hot shower.)

Hormesis can be attained on our regular walk:
First a few warm-up minutes, then up the pace for another few minutes, then slow down a bit, then up the pace. This a very modified form of HIIT, otherwise known as high intensity interval training.

We do modified HIIT even in Zumba Gold® class. Slower songs. Faster songs.

An effective, quick hormesis-eustress kick...Knowledgeably pick up some weights. Move on from 2 lb. dumbbells.

If you have a gym or fitness center near you, find the circuit training machines. They are a great way to start going heavy with minimal injury risk. Make sure you know how to use the equipment. Doctor’s clearance first on any increase in exercise activity.

The other side of living an occasional hormesis, eustress, essential life is FRAILTY.

Physical degeneration may come. We don’t have to invite it in ahead of its time. WF!

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