Welcome to August! In earth’s Northern Hemisphere, August generally can mean hot, hot Summer days.
Sometimes heat separates us due to frayed and fried temperaments.

However, a Healthy, Happy Life dictates that we use August for forging bonds, as we see in our sketch below.

Helping Each Other.

While driving to teach my Essentrics® Aging Backwards class last Friday, an interview came on National Public Radio’s 1:00 p.m. All Things Considered program, hosted by Mary Louise Kelly. The interview was with Dee Davis, publisher of The Daily Yonder in Whitesburg, Kentucky.

Mr. Davis was talking about recent floods which have devastated Kentucky and about how people are coping.

How can natural calamities such as extreme heat and flooding fit into our Health and Fitness focus?

The interview with Dee Davis reminded me of my Ten Tips for A Happy Healthy Life which was posted here on January 2, 2017, as I temporarily was suspending the blog.

Tip No. 9 of the Ten Tips says Appreciate Others.

Now we see our connection to August heat, Dee Davis and Kentucky, which USA state recently had not been on my favorite political radar.

Quoting Mr. Davis…in Appalachia, just like in a lot of rural communities and a lot of urban communities, you know, what’s you got is each other.

It’s not like there’s going to be a grant or an investment that changes the politics of helping your neighbor out. And sometimes it feels bleak, but once you start lifting a few loads and, you know, you’re part of something.

Here is Tip No. 9’s Appreciate Others in different words – What we got is each other.

This month let’s stay fit by Appreciating Others.

Acknowledging our common human bond allows for space, freedom and cooler days in our heads. WF!


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