PARTY TIME! – Vitality Tip #9

   Hanukkah gatherings, Christmas parties and other December celebrations can mean over-indulging in Holiday feasts.

   The upside to these events is sharing ourselves with family, friends and co-workers.   reindeers1  

Social connectedness has been identified in The Blue Zones* book as contributing to longevity in a community. So this month we’ll be careful about what we eat as we enjoy each other’s company.

If you happen to be in San Diego this coming Friday, December 19, consider yourself invited to our 1:30 p.m. FREE Mission Valley Library (2123 Fenton Pkwy, San Diego, CA 92108) Zumba Gold® class Christmas Party.

Bring a few favorite Cookies – or a veggie snack! We’ll dance for half an hour, then Party On with happy getting to know each other stories and conversations .

 Zumba Christmas





*You can purchase the Blue Zones book through WildFire!‘s WellBeing Amazon link website page,



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