When my Essentrics® Aging Backwards class concluded, one of the students sat on the floor cross-legged, talking on her cell phone while writing notes in a small booklet. She then easily stood up to leave.

Motion Is Lotion for Our Bodies

Amazed at how she moved, I asked her how she came to be so limber.
(Moving freely often is a challenge for age 60+ participants due to arthritis, injuries and previous sedentary careers.)

“I recently retired as a Special Needs Teacher and our work required a lot of getting up and down in order to be face-to-face with the children. Plus I have a lot of grandkids who keep me moving,” she said.

Standing right in front of me was living proof of the phrase MOTION IS LOTION often used by physical therapists. My student had never stopped moving – getting up and down from the floor, twisting, turning, lifting, walking in a consistent manner throughout her day.

It appeared that her joints had retained their Synovial Fluid, which is a thick liquid located between your joints that cushions the ends of bones and reduces friction when you move your joints.

The VERY GOOD NEWS is that as we start moving again with gentle repetitive body actions, we can increase synovial fluid, plus save and increase the body ease we still retain.

One of my favorite Jack LaLanne phrases was…”Getting up and down from the floor seven times in a row will give you a great workout.”

We have our marching orders: Up – Down, Front – Back, Twist – Turn – Easily. Safely.

The longer we do it. The longer we will be able to do it. WF!

SEE Fitness Classes Below!


1. A FREE Happy Monday Get Strong online class is held at 4:00 p.m. every Monday, except for unanticipated events or U.S. federal holidays.
In these no-charge introductory group sessions you’ll learn home-based weight training exercises designed to prevent sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss.) Your strength and balance will improve with light dumbbells and resistance band exercises. We have FUN getting STRONG!

Registration for Happy Monday Get Strong class is through If you would like more information on how to register for these no-cost Zoom sessions, email me at

EXTRA SPECIAL – Ask me about One-to-One PERSONAL Training on Zoom. During these Private sessions you’ll receive personal encouragement, instruction, guidance and feedback designed to assist and correct your form for fast, long-lasting results.

Online Personal Training Rates start as low as $35/half hour pre-paid for eight-session
training pack.


2. Zumba Gold® online easy dance fitness keeps us happy and fit. Classes happen on Fridays at 9:30 a.m.

As your schedule allows, join us for fun, easy-to-follow Latin rhythms. No dance experience needed!
Online classes have no location boundaries – you and your friends can live anywhere!
Register for classes through I email the Zoom log-in code to all Gymgo members on class day.  We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next. (Amazing that after almost two years those surprises still happen!)

Best Zumba® Gold rate is $6/per class for 8-class series = $48 prepaid.
E-mail me at with questions!

3. Essentrics® Aging Backwards in-person classes strengthen, stretch and invigorate us.

The 11-week Series, sponsored by the City of Seal Beach runs through May 20, 2022. Enrollment fee of $12.65 per class plus a $10 City registration fee may be pro-rated through end of the series.

The Spring Season Essentrics® Aging Backwards class is being held at 1:30 p.m. each Friday at the Seal Beach Senior Center, 707 Electric Ave, Seal Beach, CA. Email for information.


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