AU REVOIR, November

We say the French words au revoir – goodbye – to November feasting. Then we skip right past December’s over-indulgence and step on the January scale with smiles on our faces. Holiday lights accompany us all the way.

AU REVOIR Lights and Bubbly.

What happened to our final November food post? you ask.

Aren’t we going to savor one last culinary entitlement?

How about a recipe for left-over turkey vegetable soup? Can we figure out a way to make sweet potato pie from remains of the baked sweet potato/marshmallow casserole?

It’s time to “Gird up the loins of our mind” as it says in the Bible’s New Testament 1 Peter 1:13.

Or we can adhere to the words of Ancient Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus who said…”We must undergo a hard winter training…”

Or let’s speak the Spartan quote….”He (she) who sweats more in training bleeds less in war.”

Or we can follow the words of current philosopher WildFire! who came up with the sentence…”What You Eat Today Becomes what the Scale Says Tomorrow.”

We will not be the Grinch Who Stole Christmas during the coming December blog posts.

Our eyes will be fixed on January’s prize, though. Will you join me? WF!

SCROLL DOWN FOR Fitness Classes. Everyone Welcome!
Please Note Holiday Schedule.


1. Zumba Gold® online classes keep us happy and fit. Newcomers always welcome!

Zumba Gold® classes will resume at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, December 10, 2021. We won’t have class on Fridays, December 24 and 31, 2021.

Our Tuesday 11:00 a.m. classes will resume on December 14, 2021, and continue through December and into January.

As your schedule allows, join us for fun, easy-to-follow Latin rhythms. No dance experience needed!
Online classes have no location boundaries – you and your friends can live anywhere!
Register for classes through I email the Zoom log-in code to all Gymgo members on class day.  We laugh, dance and have a great time wondering what tech surprise is coming next. (Amazing that after a year those surprises still happen!)

Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid. First class is FREE.
E-mail me at with questions!


2. FREE weekly half hour online “Happy Monday Get Strong” Group Strength Class will happen TODAY and every Monday at 4:00 p.m.!
No Get Strong Class on Monday, December 27, 2021.
In these no-charge introductory sessions you’ll learn home-based weight training exercises designed to prevent sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss.) Your strength and balance will improve with light dumbbells and resistance band exercises.

Registration is through If you would like more information on how to register for these no-obligation Zoom sessions, email me at

Also ask me about One-to-One Personal Training on Zoom. During these Private sessions you’ll receive personal encouragement, instruction, guidance and feedback designed to assist and correct your form for fast, long-lasting results.

Personal Training Rates start as low as $25/half hour pre-paid for eight-session online
training pack.

3. For Seal Beach area residents…Registration is now open for the City of Seal Beach sponsored Winter Season Essentrics® Aging Backwards class held at 1:30 p.m. every Friday at the Seal Beach Senior Center, 707 Electric Ave, Seal Beach, CA.
The 8-week Series starts on January 7, 2022 and runs through February 25, 2022. Enrollment fee of $102 includes a $10 City registration fee.
Email for information.



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