Daily attention is one of the great gifts we can grant to our health and fitness.
If we are wanting to shed excess fat pounds, the phrase Everything Counts that I heard in a Brian Tracy CD1 over a decade ago is a predictable attention indicator for success.

WildFire! stays lean (after having lost over 60 pounds) by paying attention in five areas. No attention means giving in to lurking, depleted fat cells that hunger to refill with adipose tissue.

My Royal Five Attention drivers include:

  1. Non-meal time bits and bites. If they seem to be getting the upper hand throughout the day, I start writing down every morsel, including their estimated calorie count, easy to find on Google.

  2. For the day’s total food intake I use a fool-proof impromptu calorie gauge that takes what I want to weigh and multiplies it by 10. (That means a 5 ft. tall 100 lb. me needs to stay in the 1000-to-1100 calorie a day range unless doing A Lot of exercise.)

    If a person is more than 20 pounds above desired weight, then a good baseline for females is 1200 calories (less if under 5’2″) and for males – 1500 calories. You can always eat more if the weight comes off too fast!

  3. PLENTY of leafy greens and other fresh vegetables in a big salad; if no big salad, then microwaved green/orange/purple vegetables or light olive oil and water stir fried broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, spinach, French style green beans, baked Japanese purple yam, etc;

    Choice of lean protein such as fish, chicken and legumes; sometimes a veggie frozen dinner to which I add extra broccoli and protein such as unsweetened, non-fat plain Greek yogurt; avocado, walnuts and almond butter for healthy fat; a couple half pieces of fresh fruit,

    No-sugar whey protein smoothie with blueberries/strawberries and half banana, one sprouted grain Food for Life English muffin; half a Quest protein bar mid-afternoon. For sweets – no more than three small pieces of dried fruit a day.

    Add in $250/month for supplements, additives and potions and you have my Keep Off the Fat daily diet.

  4. Eat no later than 6:00 p.m. every day.

  5. Weigh myself every morning. At the extreme – weigh no more than three days apart. Then I take that weight number, date and WRITE IT DOWN in a column on 4X6″ index cards I keep year, after year.

There are the Pay Attention Everything Counts healthy weight gifts that have worked wonders for me. I trust that one or two of them will serve you. WF!

  1. Brian Tracy CD – 21 Great Ways To Live To Be A 100


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    Best Zumba® Gold rate is $3.75/per class for 8-class series = $30 prepaid. First class is FREE.
    E-mail me at with questions!


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Rates start as low as $25/half hour pre-paid for an online eight-session pack.


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