In 2009, the third Saturday in August was designated National Honey Bee Day.1 This coming Saturday, August 21st, we salute Honey Bees, which pollinate and provide for us up the food chain.

Photo by Maria Cannon from Morris Arboretum University of Pennsylvania website.

Borrowing from Top Masters in Public Health Degrees website is a description of the bee’s perilous status and five reminders of why honey bees are important to our survival:


Honey bees are amazing insects that have a lot of impact on humans. They are hardworking creatures that underpin the sustenance of life in this planet earth. However, people have increasingly predisposed them to unfavorable environments, leading to massive deaths. A few years ago, over 40 percent of bee colonies in the US were lost due to deaths. There are more reasons to cherish honey bees than to kill them or inhibit their activities using chemicals. Here are the top five reasons why they are so important to us.

1. They Pollinate Food Crops

2. They Pollinate Wild Plants

3. They Produce Honey

4. Honey Products

5. Employment

Honey Bees, stinger and all, have inspired at least two American poets with their looks, skill and ability to master life’s challenges.
Here is how each describes the bee in battle:

His feet are shod with gauze, His helmet is of gold; Emily Dickinson. Third stanza – Poem: The Bee.

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a bee. Muhammad Ali. Before World Heavyweight Fight with Sonny Liston, 1964.

Our food chain is safe. The poets have spoken. WF!

1. National Honey Bee Day was created in 2009. This sweet day was declared by Thomas J. Vilsek, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, on August 11, 2009. It is sponsored by Pennsylvania Agriculture, Inc. The day was originally intended for beekeepers, as a day of education and promotion of honey bees and honey. The third Saturday in August was selected, so beekeepers would have a new supply of honey to promote.

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