HEART DANCE – Vitality Tip #71

Continuing with February’s heart health theme let me introduce you to  Gil Hedley, Ph.D., founder of Integral Anatomy Productions, LLC, and Somanautics Workshops, Inc.. Mr. Hedley is self-taught in human dissection. (He works with cadavers to instruct professionals from a variety of disciplines in intricacies of human anatomy.) Warning: if seeing pictures or videos of human organs makes you squeamish, you may not want to click through to Gil Hedley’s website.

Image from health.howstuffworks.com

Gil Hedley has created, and owns all rights, to a video entitled The Heart Dance in which, shirtless, he describes and shows with rhythmic arm movements how the heart circulates blood throughout the body. I found the movements fascinating and am inspired at wonder of our mammalian human heart. WF!


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